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Witch Bunny is a fan animation created by Fernanda Dias. The short series is about a witch named Lorena who has a bunny familiar named Coco, and a wizard named Ruan whose familiar is a cat named Cafe. The show often uses Brazilian MPB music to narrate the relationship between the witch and the wizard.


On April 26th, 2019, Brazilian animator and YouTuber[1] Fernanda Dias published a video titled "'Witch Bunny' Fan Animated Music Video – Trouble (Annella)," which features the witch character Lorena and her bunny familiar turning into a flying broom (shown below). The video amassed more than 11 million views and 770,000 likes in five years.

About a year later, on February 22nd, 2020, Dias posted a new video[2] of the fan animation featuring the witch and the wizard singing "Morena," by Mariana Nolasco part. Vitor Kley. The video (shown below, left) amassed over 13 million views and 740,000 likes in four years. On September 6th, 2020, she posted a video[3] featuring the same characters (shown below, right) paired with the music "Save me" by Bruno Martini, Avian Grays, TRIXL ft. Mayra. The video amassed more than 19 million views and 1.1 million likes in three years.

Online Presence

On January 4th, 2024, Dias posted on her TikTok[4] account a new fan animation of the series titled "The Day We Met," which shortly shows how the witch met the wizard (shown below, left). The post received over 17 million plays and 4 million likes in four days. On May 2nd, 2022, TikTok[5] user uploaded a fancam edit of the series (shown below, right), which garnered roughly 747,000 plays and 131,000 likes in a year.

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