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Dororo (2019 Series) refers to the 2019 adaptation of the manga and anime series Dororo, which originally ran in the late 1960s in Japan. The story follows Hyakkimaru, a young ronin born without body parts because they were stolen by demons at his birth, and a young urchin named Dororo. The pair fight multiple demons in Sengoku-era Japan on a quest to get Hyakkimaru's body parts back.


Original Series

The original Dororo was created by Osamu Tezuka and ran from August 1967-October 1969. An anime adaptation of the series ran for one season in 1969 (episode shown below, left).[1] A live-action film directed by Akihiko Shiota was released in 2007.[2]

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2019 Series

On December 6th, 2018, YouTube account ツインエンジン released the first trailer for the 2019 adaptation of the series (shown below, left). On January 7th, 2019, the first episode aired and ran for 24 episodes until June 24th, 2019 on Tokyo MX, BS11, and Jidaieki Senmon Channel.[3] All episodes also streamed on Amazon Prime video outside of Japan. A cliffhanger ending led fans speculating that the show would be renewed for a second season, which was later confirmed.[4]


The show was highly well-received by fans, receiving a score of 8.4 on MyAnimeList[5] with 71,000 fan votes and a score of 8.7 on IMDb[6] with over 1,600 votes. IGN[7] favorably compared the anime to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice due their similarities in theme, setting, and tone. The show was favorably reviewed by Syfy,[8] particularly after a mid-season plot twist that changed the direction of the show.

Online Presence

The show has developed a strong fan presence online, with pages on Wiki[9] and TV Tropes.[10] On social media, the show has 13,000 likes on Facebook[11] and a subreddit with over 4,400 subscribers.[12] The show has also generated fan art on Twitter and Tumblr (examples shown below).

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