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Soup Can Pyro appeared in Monday's Troubles as a crab-like Pyro residing in a bucket, suggesting it lives a hermit-crab lifestyle. It took appearance as a pyro gas mask as a head, bucket as its shell, and two hands that use its fingers like legs. In its only appearance, it was walking around while the Demoman looks at it. After that, the Demoman grabs it by the bucket and carries it away. A moment later it shows a scene where the Demoman is happily sitting with an empty bucket that resembled a Soup Can Pyro bucket, possibly suggesting that it was consumed by the Demoman.

Soup Can Pyros can live for up to 800 years.
Soupcan pyro is a tf2 freak made by sfm ytber StblackSt, as a character in stBlackSt’s series known as Unusual troubles

About unusual troubles
Unusual Troubles Series is an animated series of YouTube videos set between the events of Soldier's Magnificent Adventure to Catastrophically Unusual Troubles. The first video in the series was uploaded on July 8th 2016 with the final episode (as far as we know) being released on September 14 2019.

The series mainly focuses on the Red Team with Characters such as American Boot and Timebending scout with help from allies like Red Heavy, Prettylady/ misspauling, and red spy/Baguette master(baguette master is a red spy who uses large big lines of baguette bread as weapons and there’s also a red spy that likes to snort cocaine out of a jar of medicine), fighting against the Space Cake empire and their Leader as well as various Blu mercenaries as well. This series is worth a watch if you are bored.

After soup can Pyro appeared in Monday’s troubles people started to make Memes and viral videos on YouTube poops and all that stuff in websites like I funny Facebook Reddit etc. etc. soupCan Pyro can be seen and made from many people from videos and fanart music videos and photos and Memes to shitposts and Reddits and even source filmmaker videos featuring him. Soup can Pyro resembles a hermit crab.

A few weeks after soup can pyros viral popularity rose like among us’s popularity, and YouTuber by rhe name of your lovely german freind made an sfm called soupcan pyro does Kazotsky kick, It apparently shows the soup can pyro trying to do the kazotsky kick

Other soupcan pyro links

Monday’s Troubles

The soupcan Pyro Ecology

Soupcan pyro at 5Am

Soupcan pyro doing kazotsky kick

Titpost status on Soupcan pyro

Flipped over soupcan pyro

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