Star Wars Sithposting
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Star Wars Sithposting is a Facebook shitposting notable group based on the Star Wars films. The group is notable for its impact on the Star Wars meme community, its quantity of in-jokes and humor based around its mods and admins and its turbulent history with hackers. It is the originator for a number of memes, including those found on popular Star Wars meme communities as /r/PrequelMemes and Just Jedi Things.[1]
Star War Shitposting was launched on Facebook in February 2016 by Mack Ottoway.[2] Ottoway changed the name of the group to "Sithposting," based on the antagonists of the Star Wars prequels film, collectively known as the "Sith."
First Hack
On March 8th, 2017, Sithposting was hacked by an unknown individual, following a successful phishing scheme on Ottoway. After a few weeks, Facebook finally restored the admins and the group would return to normal. On April 17th, a video (shown below) was uploaded that dramatized for the hack in a two-and-half-hour film entitled "Metaphors Of Disaster: Hackers." The post received more than 4,000 views as of March 2018.
Metaphors of Disaster: Hackers from NCL Productions on Vimeo.
Shortly after, the group was hacked and the members founded a new group knowns "StarWarsSithpostingOriginal." Before the second hack, the group had more than 189,000 members. After the second hacking, it became the primary group and has 70,000 members as of mid-November 2017. After Caine's Coup, yet another sister group "The Confederacy Of Independent Sithposters," which has garnered more than 6,200 members as of March 2018.[3]
Following the hack, many prominent members of the community had been banned by the hackers and the admins attempted to sort through who was banned unfairly and who had been banned before the hacking. Meanwhile, Revenge Of The Sithposters had created an entire subculture within the group. The group, for a time, changed the name from Revenge Of The Sithposters to "Sithposting Presents: Spaceposting." The idea was that the group wouldn't directly compete with the main page, but would rather be a spin-off group that posted memes about all kinds of Sci-fi films. Hardly any non-Star Wars memes were made.
A separate group made primarily to continue in the spirit of the original Sithposting group started a new group called StarWarsSithPostingOriginal.[4]
Second Hack
In May 2017, Sithposting was hacked by another phishing scam, which removed all mods and added new ones. The real admins and their supporters moved back to "Spaceposting," which was rebranded as "Star Wars Sithposting: A New Hope"[5] to attract the original fanbase. Unlike with the previous hacking, this one seems permanent. Facebook has repeatedly denied the admins' claims that the group was hacked and at this point. Numerous attempts have been made to get Facebook to delete the page, but as of January 2018, none of the plans have worked.
On July 25th, a video that dramatized the hack was uploaded to Vimeo. [5] The second installment of Metaphors Of Disaster, "Cyber Warfare." The video (shown below) received more than 600 views as of March 2018.
Metaphors of Disaster: Cyber Warfare from NCL Productions on Vimeo.
The Hackers Sell The Original Group
During 2017, the hackers sold the page to a group of Facebook users who were attempting to sell counterfit luxury cars. The original users of Sithposting contacted Mercedes about the group and Facebook banned the group.
Related Memes
Gyrosposting is a form of shitposting that could be compared to a Shaggy Dog Story, a joke defined by how long and rambling it is. On the surface, the joke is about the gyro kebab's stereotypical ability to cause diarrhea, but the main comedic appeal is making a long drawn-out story that vaguely connects to a Star Wars quote at the end. This meta-meme originated shortly after the first hacking when moderator Aldo Roemer van Opdorp abused his mod privileges to post memes that had increasingly more to do with Gyros and less to do with Star Wars.
This meme format has many various recurring aspects, including a place called Babi's Kebabs, dine-and-dashing, having an instant stream of diarrhea that is sometimes powerful enough to propel the person who is affected by it, Imodium (a drug that is known for stopping diarrhea) and more (examples below).
Metaphors Of Disaster
Metaphors of Disaster are a series of feature-length videos in which members of the group have their faces cut out and pasted onto various movie clips to dramatize the various hacks of the group. These clips are then strung together in order to tell a story. A third film, "Metaphors Of Disaster: Saving Private Massoud" is currently in the works.
Massoud Boulassel
Massoud Boulassel is a popular character in the Sithposting community (shown below). It is based on a man who joined the group, despite not having much interest in Star Wars shitposting.
Hello With Friends
"Hello With Friends" is now a popular inside joke in the group. Perhaps one of the greater tragedies of Sithposting, even sadder than the hacking, occurred when members of the group accidentally scared Massoud off. While the vast majority of the group was excited to have him around, a small group of people mocked his broken English and bizarre mannerisms. Massoud disappeared from the group and has been nearly impossible to find since. For almost a full year now, members of the Sithposting community have been trying to find this octogenarian living meme and let him know just how much they love him.
Pant Posting
While there is much dispute over who officially started the Ben Swolo and "The Last Jedi Spoiler But With No Context" Memes, the ancestor of both memes was a short-lived trend known as "Pant-Posting." In a private Facebook chat, the mods and admins who had managed to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi early discussed what moments they thought would produce quality memes. Instead of images from the film, a short trend of putting pants on animals became a short-lived trend.
Mouse Droids > Gonk Droids
Mouse Droids > Gonk Droids is a debate to two different droids in the Star Wars films, a small droid on wheels known as the "Mouse Droid" and a larger, square walking droid knowns as the "Gonk Droid." One mod named Austin Allan started the debate knowns as "Mouse Droids > Gonk Droids."
BuzzFeed Raid
On January 1st, 2018 Buzzfeed released an article titled "In Case Shirtless Kylo Ren Wasn't Enough For You, There's Now The "#KyloRenChallenge":memes/kylorenchallenge." In response to this, Sithposters organized an event called Buzzfeed Raid: Page's Closed [7] in retaliation.
During this event, participants would wait until Buzzfeed posted a new article and then spam the comments with a close-up image of Finn with the caption "this page is closed for sanitation" (examples below).
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External References
[1] Facebook – Just Jedi Things
[2] Sithposting Wiki – a brief summary of events
[3] Facebook – CISithposters
[4] Facebook – StarWarsSithpostingOriginal
[5] Vimeo – Metaphors of Disaster: Cyber Warfare
[6] BuzzFeed – In Case Shirtless Kylo Ren Wasn't Enough For You, There's Now The #KyloRenChallenge
[7] Facebook – Buzzfeed Raid: Page's Closed
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