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Part of a series on Mr. Lovenstein. [View Related Entries]



Rob Lived the Perfect Life refers to an exploitable webcomic strip by Mr. Lovenstein in which a man named Rob nearly gets to heaven before God realizes he once "laughed at a 9/11 meme." The comic then cuts to Rob fifty years earlier saying I'm going to hell for this. In the exploitable, Rob's sin is changed.


Mr. Lovenstein's original comic was posted to /r/comics[1] on January 22nd, 2018 (shown below).


On February 1st, Redditor PMME_WHOLEOSMEMEMES posted an edited version of the comic to /r/comedynecromancy[2] that changed God's text to simply "Hold up!" (shown below, left). The same day, a Doki Doki Literature Club edit of the comic was posted to /r/DDLC,[5] gaining over 350 points (shown below, right).

Edits saw a surge in popularity roughly a year later. On March 23rd, 2019, Redditor Carless_Gamer posted an edit in which the sin is making Mario drop a penguin off a cliff in Super Mario 64 to /r/gaming,[3] gaining over 48,000 points (shown below, left).That post inspired further edits. On March 24th, Redditor ChopMyCows posted a Walking Dead edit to /r/thewalkingdeadgame,[4] gaining over 270 points (shown below, left). The same day, Redditor sverek posted a joke about guitar amplifiers to /r/headphones[5]

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External References

[1] Reddit – /r/comics

[2] Reddit – /r/comedynecromancy

[3] Reddit – /r/gaming

[4] Reddit – /r/thealkingdeadgame

[5] Reddit – /r/DDLC

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