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"Pulls Out Meat Scepter" is a phrase that grew infamous in a creepy asteriks post wherein a man describes taking out his penis as pulling out his "meat scepter." The phrase later grew popular in the PewDiePie fandom.


On May 23rd, 2018, user BasiliskMuffin made a post to /r/creepyasteriks[1] wherein a man uses the phrase "meat scepter" to describe his penis. The post gained over 25,000 points (shown below).


On January 19th, 2019, the subreddit /r/creepyasteriks was reviewed in a video by PewDiePie, gaining over 6.2 million views. In the video, he read the Meat Scepter post (shown below).

The phrase was quickly popular on /r/PewDiePieSubmissions, where users titled posts with the phrase and used the phrase in parodies. For example, user Couchnapperzz posted a parody of the roleplay that gained over 16,000 points (shown below, left). A post by sourcan showing PewDiePie in a flesh-colored suit gained over 19,000 points (shown below, right).

Meat Scepter jokes appeared on other subreddits over the following days as well. For example, user v_anonymous_ gained over 1,000 points on /r/creepyasteriks with a parody executed on Omegle (shown below, left). A subreddit for such posts, /r/meatscepters,[2] launched as well, quickly gaining over 400 subscribers. (shown below, right).

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[1] Reddit – unzips pants

[2] Reddit – /r/meatscepters

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