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Pintman refers to a photograph of Paddy Losty, a Dublin resident known to have drunk more than 30 pints or more in a single day. Online, people have photoshopped the picture of Loddy into various memes.


Pintman comes from a photograph found in the book Dublin Pub Life and Lore -- An Oral History of Dublin's Traditional Irish Pubs: The Recollections of Dublin's Publicans, Barmen and 'Regulars' by Kevin C. Kearns, which was originally published on August 1st, 1996.[3]

On September 25th, 2015, the website[1] posted the picture (shown below) of "Pintman" Paddy Losty from Dublin Pub Life and Lore along with caption that read, "Pintman Paddy Losty. Some of Dublin's great pintmen have been known to put away more than 30 pints or more in a day."


On January 5ht, 2017, Facebook user Luke Nelson[2] posted Losty's picture to the Facebook group "Ireland Simpsons Fans", photoshopping into a scene from The Simpsons. The post received more than 810 reactions and 15 shares.

Throughout January 2017, the memebers of "Ireland Simpsons Fans" posted numerous Simpsons-related Pintman memes.

The Pintman meme became so popular that "Ireland Simpsons Fans" mods decided to temporarily ban the image.[5] They released this statement on the matter:

On one particular evening there was a new one every few seconds, it was chaotic! That kind of content could only ever appear on this page, and it brought out some serious creativity. In the end we decided to encourage people to set up another group for it so that it didn’t consume us and that group now has over 2,000 members, many of whom never had anything to do with ISF.

On January 26th, Publin posted a follow-up article, tracking the rise of the Pintman meme, particularly its impact on the "Ireland Simpsons Fans" group.[4]

On February 8th, the subreddit /r/PintmanPosting launched. It currently has more than 1,100 readers.[6]

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