Michael Rosen

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Michael Rosen is a source of YouTube Poops and Montage Parodies videos featuring the british author, broadcaster, novelist and poet "Michael Wayne Rosen". His humorous presence in his vlogs, performances and other videos are favoured by many children, fans and also YouTube Poopers.
Before becoming a popular subject for YTPs, Mark Foster, the owner of the british design agency "Artifice Design", uploaded from May 2007 until August 2011 92 videos on YouTube featuring Michael Rosen performing poems based from his books. One of the most popular videos on Artifice Design's YouTube Channel is "Michael Rosen – We're Going On A Bear Hunt", which it gained over 1 million views.
YouTube Poop series
In June 11, 2009, Michael Rosen performed the book "The Opposite", written by Tom McCrae and Elena Odriozola, as a Bedtime Story for BBC's TV series "CBeebies" airing at 6:50 PM (UTC+0). The TV performance was then used for the first Michael Rosen YTP titled "Youtube Poop recites a bedtime story for kids" created by YouTube user Lnsector and uploaded it on June 13, 2009, but then Lnsector deleted his account. His Michael Rosen YTP videos inspired poopers like cs188 and KatanaSoul, which they made the fad growing more to popularity.
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Michael Rosen's Response To YouTube Poopers
Michael Rosen found out about the YouTube Poops and started flagging them and taking them down as his poems are aimed at children and some of the YouTube Poops were quite vulgar, quickly Michael became hated through out the YouTube poop community. After realizing that he had annoyed some YouTube Poopers, he stopped doing it lots of angry parents criticized Michael for not taking them down as some children had watched the poops, Michael replied by saying that if children couldn't understand the poops, they shouldn't be allowed on the internet anyway.
In May 23 and 29, 2011, LitUp666 uploaded two videos about Michael Rosen’s response to the YouTube Poop community, the video on the left is him saying thanking them about making them and how he found them funny, and on the right one where he talks in detain a bit more about his response.
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