Don Willett
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Don Willett is a lawyer, politician, and Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. During his time as a Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, Willett was well-known for his use of Twitter, on which he shared tweets on a variety of topics including history, dad jokes, pop culture, his family, sports, politics and internet memes.
Online History
In 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry appointed Willett to the Texas Supreme Court.[1] Willett has won reelection twice to six-year terms, first in 2006[2] and then in 2012.[3] Willet joined Twitter in 2009 as part of his second reelection campaign but continued using the social media platform to remain connected to voters while also striving to "demystify and humanize the judiciary."[4] When asked to explain the notoriety he gained from Twitter, Willett stated, "I think people just find it remarkable that a high court justice would step out from behind the bench and have a persona that’s not the traditional, stodgy, fuddy-duddy persona, but actually comes across as authentic and engaging."[4]
Tweeter Laureate of Texas
Texas became the first state to name an official "Tweeter Laureate" in 2015, conferring the title to Justice Willett.[5] In 2016, Justice Willett participated in a symposium by the Georgia State University Law Review on "Invisible Justices: Supreme Court Transparency in the Age of Social Media."[6] Willett's social media use has been covered by a variety of sources, including The New York Times,[7] Law360,[4] Time,[8] Huffington Post,[9] Washington Post,[12] and others.
Trump Criticism & Supreme Court Shortlist
During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump included Justice Willett on his shortlist of potential nominees to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the United States Supreme Court.[10] Willett's inclusion was notable in that he had repeatedly poked fun at Trump on Twitter, and news outlets highlighted several of those tweets.[11]
Appointment to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals & Retirement from Twitter
On September 28, 2017, Trump nominated Willett to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.[13] Following his appoint, Willett took an extended hiatus from Twitter during his confirmation hearings.[14] The United States Senate confirmed Willett's appointment on December 13, 2017,[15] after which Willett temporarily returned to Twitter.[16]
The brief return notwithstanding, Willett's presence on Twitter has steadily decreased following his appointment. In an interview published by Law360 on September 11, 2019. Willett explained that he is still on Twitter "lurking--as are many federal judges, including some on SCOTUS. But I’m just consuming, not creating."[17] Willett further explained that he still uses Twitter for news, but that he considers it to be"a toxic cesspool most days; too much venomous snarling & sneering."[17] When asked if he would ever return to Twitter, Willett replied that he would not:
Prognosis: negative. As a state judge campaigning for office, it was political malpractice not to leverage social media smartly. I loved demystifying & humanizing the inscrutable judiciary. But today Twitter = an aggregator of trollery & vitriol. Pro tip: follow @IvePetThatDog.
Search Interest
External References
[1] The Brownsville Herald – Attorney General Deputy Appointed to Texas Supreme Court / Posted on 8-25-2005
[2] Lubbock Avalanche-Journal – High Court remains GOP stronghold / Posted on 11-8-2006
[3] The Supreme Court of Texas Blog – 2012 judicial election results: One-party sweeps around the state, but a divided San Antonio Court / Posted on 11-7-2012
[4] Law360 Texas Justice Don Willett Tweets His Way into History / Posted on 8-21-2015
[5] Dallas News Meet the state Supreme Court justice who's also Texas' 'Tweeter Laureate / Posted on 6-15-2015
[6] Georgia State Law Review Invisible Justices: Supreme Court Transparency in the Age of Social Media / Posted on 2-11-2016
[7] The New York Times Some Judicial Opinions Only Require 140 Characters / Posted on 9-29-2014
[8] Time Meet the Judge on Donald Turmp's Supreme Court List Who Is Great at Twitter / Posted on 5-18-2016
[9] Huffington Post One of Donald Trump's Supreme Court Picks Has Spent a Year Trolling Him On Twitter / Posted on 5-18-2016
[10] Washington Post Who are the 11 people on Donald Trump's shortlist for the Supreme Court? / Posted on 5-18-2016
[11] Dallas News 9 times Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett dissed Donald Trump on Twitter / Posted on 5-18-2016
[12] Washington Post One of Donald Trump's SCOTUS short-listers is a Twitter addict / Posted on 5-18-2016
[13] White House President Donald J. Trump Announces Eighth Wave of Judicial Candidates
[14] Statesman Herman: Twitter silence from Texas Tweeter Laureate
[15] Texas Tribune Texan Don Willett confirmed by U.S. Senate to federal 5th Circuit Court
[16] Legal Insurrection Twitter Thrilled With Justice Willett’s Return After Confirmation to the Fifth Circuit
[17] Law360 5th Circ. Judge Willett On Textualism And Giving Up Twitter
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