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Casually Explained is a YouTube channel[2] featuring a series of original educational animated videos that offer casual and humorous explanations on a wide range of subject topics, including science, math, relationships, health, fitness and technology.


On December 7th, 2015, the Casually Explained channel was launched. The following day, the first video was uploaded to the channel, featuring a parody instructional video for sketching a graph of a polynomial function by using the Wolfram Alpha web application (shown below, left). On December 26th, Casually Explained posted a video explaining the concept of absolute hot, the postluated highest attainable temperature of matter (shown below, right).

On February 3rd, 2016, the channel uploaded a video mocking various fitness and weight lifting in-jokes, which received more than 1.15 million views and 890 comments (shown below, left). On May 29th, an episode titled "Is She Into You?" was released, satirically explaining how to tell if a woman is sexually attracted to a man (shown below, right). Within two months, the video garnered upwards of 3.3 million views and 4,200 comments.

The following day, Casually Explained posted a video explaining the concept of the friend zone, which gained over 2.6 million views and 4,400 comments in two months. On July 18th, a video featuring a graph ranking various animals on the spectrum of intelligence was released. Within one month, the video garnered upwards of 1.6 million views and 3,700 comments.

Social Media Presence

In December 2015, the @CastuallyE[3] Twitter feed was created, which gained more than 4,500 followers within eight months. On February 4th, 2016, a Facebook[4] page for the YouTube channel was launched, accumulating more than 45,700 likes in six months. On July 4th, Casually Explained created a Patreon page.[1] Within one month, the page received $160 per month in donations from 49 patrons.

Search Interest

External References

[1] Patreon – "casually explained" (unavailable)

[2] YouTube – Casually Explained

[3] Twitter – @CasuallyE

[4] Facebook – Casually Explained

[5] Reddit – /r/CasuallyExplained

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