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Activist Mommy is the pseudonym of Elizabeth Johnston, a conservative vlogger and activist, who has gained a notable following through her Facebook videos against the LGBTQ community, specifically transgender people.

Online History

On April 30th, 2016, Elizabeth Johnston began The Activist Mommy Facebook page,[2] posting about a protest outside of a Target, which she protested over the company's neutral bathroom policy. She captioned a picture of her, her husband and 10 children (shown below), "Do not get a babysitter so you can go protest. Take your children with you! They need to see their Activist Mommy impacting the culture for good! My children's lives have been tremendously impacted by joining me at outreaches like this one. It is harder when you take your children with you, but the impact on generations to come is immeasurable and so very worth the challenge! #ActivistMommy." As of June 2017, the post has more than 190 reactions and 20 shares.[1]

The following day, she posted a video about Target bathrooms, specifically how to defend themselves against attackers in bathrooms. She goes on to make more remarks about how she's read reports about how people identify as "animals, cats, dragonlizards." As of June 2017, the video has received more than 1,300 reactions and 4,300 shares.

On May 19th, 2017, Johnston posted a video of her in her bus entitled "LGBTQQIAAPP?? Asexual? Non-binary? Gobbledygook! Gender insanity! This is out of hand! 😡" to her Facebook page. The post (shown below), received more than 4.9 million views, 74,000 reactions and 23,000 comments.[3]

[This video has been removed]


On February 9th, 2017, The Activist Mommy's Facebook account was suspended after she posted a comment (shown below) featuring a Bible verse that referred to homosexuality as "detestable" and an "abomination." When she received access to her account again, on February 11th, she re-posted the comment, so Facebook suspended her account, again.

On February 12th, she posted a screenshot of both comments with an explanation as to why her account froze (shown below), essentially blaming the freeze on supposed Facebook's anti-Christian bias built into the site's algorithm, which is designed to filter hate speech.[5][6] Her post received more than 1,000 reactions and 450 shares.

"Where have I been? I was banned from facebook for 3 days because I quoted what the Bible says about homosexuality. Facebook is now censoring Christian speech! Facebook allows the most vile speech and photos, yet censors Christian speech and the Bible. I'm out of "facebook jail" for now, but the threat to delete my page if I continue to speak on this is still very real. I will not be intimidated. You can physically place me in jail for all I care…I will not be silenced. You can read what I wrote below which facebook deleted. Let's see if this post gets deleted. Please share far and wide with the hashtag…#FacebookCensorsBible.
#Censorship #biblecensorship #christiancensorship #facebookcensorship"

On June 3rd, Kai Ross started a[7] petition to have The Activist Mommy removed from Facebook permanently. In the plea, Ross wrote:

Hello Facebook,

The Activist Mommy a page run by a supposedly good Christian mother of 10. She speaks what she believes is true about the LGBTQ community, but in doing so refers to constant hate speech. She doesn't politely extend her views but instead refers to us as sinners, disgusting people, shames on society.

The Activist Mommy is everything that's wrong with the world. She can't wrap her head around new ideas of the 21st century and instead takes to Facebook to shame them. She's harming the LGBTQ community (and many other communities) with her harmful assumptions and constantly refers to the Bible to justify her actions.

A woman like this does not deserve her own Facebook page.

Within two weeks, the petition has gained more than 12,000 signatures of its 15,000 signature goal.

Personal Life

Johnston resides in Ohio with her husband, Patrick, both of whom speak at and lead pro-life ministries. She homeschools her 10 children.[8]

Search Interest

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