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Overly Excited Dog refers to a photoshop meme featuring a dog with an excited expression protecting a kitten on a brown couch. The meme became popular after the photograph of the dog was featured on Reddit.


On July 18th, 2015, redditor YungDemon created a post in the subreddit /r/aww titled, "Came home to my roommates dog protecting my kitten from the loud thunder and lightning outside" which featured two photographs, below.[1] In the second photo, taken mid-yawn, the dog's mouth is wide open and its eyes are popping out of its skull. According to the poster, the dog is a mutt breed from a local shelter. The post received 5,884 points (98% upvoted) in the first three days after it was posted.


There are several other photographs of dogs in circulation for photoshop use as "overly excited dog", including Pun Dog and the pug seen below, who was the subject of a reddit Photoshop Battle in January 2015.[5]


After the post's initial popularity (which contained one photoshopped response as a reply, Bored Panda posted the photograph as an open list photoshop contest on July 19th, 2015, and received 22 submissions and received 183,000 views.[2] The photos posted in the open list were subsequently picked up and published by other news outlets, including the Daily Mail and Yahoo Buzz.[3][4]

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