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Part of a series on First Words. [View Related Entries]



OMG His First Word is a series of four-panel exploitables in which a mother awaits her son's first words only to be disappointed by them.


On May 22nd, 2016, the Facebook page for Tom&Tam comics first published the "First Words" comic in Italian.[5] The post (shown below) received more than 500 reactions and 100 shares in two years.

T.M&TAM C.MICS. d-dah-d LA SUA PRIMA PAROLA! Dal 1980 al 2010 la popolazione è cresciuta di circa 2,5 miliardi, la maggior parte tra i 15 e i 64 anni. Due terzi in questa fascia d'età vive in Asia. » il che comporta un enorme spostamento nel mercato del lavoro e nella domanda.


The following day, the format was posted on FunnyJunk [1] by FunnyJunk user aznzeus. In the first panel, the baby is saying "A…AS…" The adjacent panel sees a mother holding the baby and saying, "Oh my god his first word." The third panel shows the baby saying, "Asuka best waifu." The final panel shows the mother looking at the baby distraught. The comic (shown below) has received more than 11,000 times as of November 2017.

On September 6th, 2016, Imgur [4] user DrunkAzSkunk posted a variation with the words "Did you just assume my gender." The post (shown below, right) received more than 300 views as of November 2017.

In February 2017, Imgflip user Beyonder posted a variation with the words "Tyranosaurus Rex didn't have feathers." The post (shown below, center) received more than 890 views in less than a year.

On November 27th, 2017, an anonymous 9GAG [2] user posted a variation in which the baby says, "MM/DD/YYYY." The post (shown below, right) received more than 14,000 points.

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