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Number Neighbor, also known as Text Door Neighbor, is a mobile social game in which players send a text message to the phone number with its last digit one numeral higher or lower than their own. For example, if their phone number is 555-5555, then their text door neighbor is 555-5554 or 555-5556.


On August 11th, 2008, Urban Dictionary user dan_the_01[1] defined "Text Door Neighbor" as:

"The people who are a digit either side of your phone number- Many a friendship has been struck up by saying hi to a text door neighbour.

Woody- 'Hey Dan, what happened when you got in touch with your text door neighbour?'
Dan- 'Absolutley nothing witheither of them- both were nutters!'"


On January 4th, 2016, the Mirror[3] published an article about Text Door Neighbor. Other publications soon followed, including The Daily Mail,[4] Metro,[2] and Distractify.[5]

On January 5th, 2016, the subreddit /r/textdoor[3] launched. The subreddit allows users to post their experiences messaging their text door neighbors.

Boing Boing[6] published "Have you texted your textdoor neighbor?" on April 8th, 2017. The article pointed to /r/textdoor and the re-emergence of the trend.

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