None But in Yellow
Submission 38,800
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None But in Yellow is an exploitable pie chart featuring the colors yellow and blue captioned with a color code indicating "none" for the color blue and "none but in yellow" for the color yellow.
On August 20th, 2017, Redditor CroioVolador submitted the graph with the title "Odds of a mod not bein gay" to /r/dankmemes,[3] where it received more than 950 points (97% upvoted) within 24 hours (shown below).
Shortly after, Redditor AbrarKR posted a version of the graph captioned with the question "Will meirl upvote this post?" to /r/me_irl[4] (shown below, left). Meanwhile, Redditor magik9000 posted the graph with the caption "The chances communism wont work" to /r/dankmemes[5] (show below, right).
That evening, Twitter user @helenadonahue tweeted the graph with the title "Am I worth loving?" (shown below). Within 24 hours, the tweet gained over 3,600 likes and 1,700 retweets. The following day, Redditors Zoorve reposted the image to /r/meirl,[2] where it gathered more than 3,200 points (94% upvoted) within six hours.
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