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Check out our explainer on the Leaning Forward In Chair Diagram and its importance to meme and stonk history.



Leaning Forward in Your Chair Diagram is a reaction image macro of a man leaning forward in their chair while playing video games.


The earliest known usage of the image was published by the verified Twitter [1] account for PlayStation France on November 30th, 2018. They captioned the image, "Quand les choses deviennent sérieuses" ("when things become serious"). The post received more than 34,000 likes and 16,000 retweets in less than two years (shown below).

B PlayStation France O @PlayStationFR FRANCE Quand les choses deviennent sérieuses. Translate Tweet 3:00 AM · Nov 30, 2018 · TweetDeck


Days later, on December 18th, Redditor [3] LightningSam tweeted the image with the caption "When things start getting serious." The post received more than 69,000 points (77% upvoted) and 1,200 comments in less than two years (shown below, left).

On December 20th, Twitter[2] user @DEEsidia tweeted the image with the caption, "*When you go easy on your friend in a fighting game* Friend: Wow. Guess I'm better than you at your own game!" The tweet received more than 12,000 likes and 3,700 retweets in less than two years (shown below, center).

Over the next two years, the meme continued to spread. For example, on February 19th, 2020, Redditor[4] emirsurmen shared a variation about World War II. The post received more than 49,000 points (94$ upvoted) and 300 comments in less than two days (shown below, right).

Various Examples


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External References

[1] Twitter – @PlayStationFR's Tweet

[2] Twitter – @DEEsidia's tweet

[3] Reddit – /r/gaming

[4] Reddit – /r/dankmemes

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