Latarian Milton

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I want to do it because it's fun. It's fun to do bad things. I wanted to do hoodrat stuff with my friends. – Latarian Milton
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Latarian Milton is a rebellious young lad profiled on television after he stole his grandmother's car at only 7 years of age. His interviews are notable for such choice quotes as "it's fun to do bad things" and have spawned numerous remixes & mash-ups.
On April 27th, 2008, Latarian stole his grandmother's Dodge Durango and "ran over two mailboxes, hit two parked cars in a Costco parking lot and struck two moving cars near a Wal-Mart" before ending the several mile long joyride.[1] West Palm Beach Newstation WPBF interviewed him the day after, and uploaded the interview to YouTube the same day.
Views for the video remained relatively low until May when it received more exposure from becoming featured on YouTube. It began to receive more exposure after it becoming a featured video on YouTube in May. In February of 2010, Greg Rutter added it to his "You Should Have Also Seen This" website.[2]
The video has received over 5 million views as of April 2011.
The first spike of search queries happened around the same time that it was featured on YouTube.
Boondocks Parody
On June 6th, 2010, Adult Swim's animated television series, The Boondocks aired the episode "Smokin With Cigarettes" that based its plot on a parody of Latarian Milton. The episode portrayed him as a "demon child", and even used some of his infamous quotes such as "It's fun to do bad things.".
Tosh.0 Appearance
Almost 2 years after the joyride incident, Daniel Tosh, the host of Comedy Central's Tosh.0 contacted Latarian for an interview discussing what happened. He explains that he stole the car because he was mad at his mom for not letting his friends in the house to watch cartoons. He claims he was not punished, and that what he did was "cool".
Walmart Incident
On May 12, 2008, 2 weeks after the Dodge Durango incident, Latarian was brought in for a mental evaluation for physically attacking his grandmother when she refused to buy him chicken wings in a Walmart.
Remixes / Parodies
External References
[1] WPBF – Woman Says joyriding Grandson, 7, Beat Her Up / 5/13/2008
[2] YouTube – WPBF: 7-Year-Old Takes Car On Joyride / 4/28/2008
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