Part of a series on Donkey Kong Country (TV Series). [View Related Entries]
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Kongchetumare is a portmanteau of the vulgar Chilean word "conchetumare," replacing the prefix "con" with "Kong" It is the first reference of a series of word games that begin with "kong," referencing the video game character Donkey Kong.
In 2013, a dubbing-parody of the Donkey Kong TV series was uploaded on that YouTube channel. In the clip, the phrase "Kongchetumare" can be heard when Donkey Kong falls on top of Bluster Kong (mirror below).
Five years later, in 2018, the first shitposting memes that used the word "Kongchetumare" began to appear on the internet. On February 11th, Facebook user Christopher Navia posted a variation of the meme in the chileandankmemesrevenge Facebook group; though, the group notes that it is stolen.[1] The post received more than 900 reactions 95 comments and 1,100 shares in less than one years (shown below, left).
Follwing the post, other Facebook meme accounts, such as Super Conchetumario 64, began posting variations of Donkey Kong imagery with the word "conchetumare" (example below, center and right).
On July 17th, 2018, Nacho Brave launch a "sequel" of the first dubbing. Within six months, the video received more than 800,000 views (shown below).
Such was the success of this dubbing that Nacho Brave decided to make a complete version of Donkey Kong's bachata, which quickly became viral.
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[1] Facebook – Chilean's Dank Memes Revenge's Post
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