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Kids Describe God to an Illustrator is a series of exploitable images based on a viral video in which kids tell an illustrator what they believe God's appearance to be and the illustrator sketches their description. Online, people photoshop images of different cultural figures over the illustrator's work for humorous effect.


On April 21st, 2017, the YouTube [1] account Cut published a video entitled "Kids Describe God to an Illustrator." The video (shown below) features a series of children envisioning God's appearance, telling an illustrator and having the artist draw their descriptions. As of January 2018, the video has received more than 7 millions views.

The earliest iteration of the video being used as an exploitable occurred on April 22nd. That day, Redditor [2] LuxurySpaVirtual posted a moment from the video with Daniel from the Damn Daniel viral video as the illustration (shown below) in the /r/dank_meme subreddit.[2]


Three days later, on April 25th, Instagram user @leagueofnicolai posted to variations of the meme featuring League of Legends players Tyler1 and Faker (shown below, left and center, resepectively. The second, featuring Faker, received more than 400 likes as of January 2018.[3][4]

Four months later on August 9th, Redditor ZajdiPaji posted a variation featuring Filthy Frank. Within five months, the post (shown below, right) received more tahn 220 points (91% upvoted).

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