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This meme is based off of the character expressions from Kid Icarus Uprising!

I've heard fans wanted to turn these into a meme, so here it is!

You make the Kid Icarus Uprising Characters talk to each other, and use facial expressions!

These can also be used for reaction faces and can be placed anywhere!

Pit's Expressions

Palutena's Expressions

Hades' Expressions

Viridi's Expressions

Thanatos' Expressions

Phosphora's Expressions

Magnus' Expressions [It may look smaller than the others, but the real image isn't.]

Dark Pit's Expressions

Centurion Strongarm's Expressions

Pyrrhon's Expressions

Pandora's Expressions

Poseidon's Expressions

Aurum Pyrrhon's Expression

Hewdraw's Expressions

Pit's Body Expression

Have fun with this new meme!

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