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"Joel Skype", also known as "Joel Get on Skype", is a Twitch chat copypasta referencing a message posted during the 2015 North American League of Legends Championship Series (LCS), which demanded that a person named Joel launch the Skype messaging application.


On February 7th, 2015, a Twitch user began demanding a person named Joel get on Skype in the Twitch chat room for the North American LCS, leading other users to spam the message in the channel.[1]


The following day, Redditor Matt1509 submitted a post titled "Who is Joel?" to the /r/leagueoflegends[2] subreddit, to which many cited the Twitch messages during the championship stream. That month, a shirt printed with the words "Joel Skype" was placed for sale on the online retailer RedBubble[4] (shown below).

Joel Skype t-shirt for sale on redbubble

On February 21st, 2015, YouTuber BeastAbbleBie uploaded footage from a League of Legends web show in which the host says "Joel, get on Skype" (shown below, left). On April 2nd, 2015, YouTuber PentaSteal uploaded footage of a game show comedy sketch on the same web show, in which the host says "Joel, you are cordially invited to get on Skype" (shown below, right).

[This video has been removed]

On April 3rd, a screenshot of players spamming "Joel Skype" in the video game RuneScape was posted on Imgur (shown below). On November 22nd, HLTV Forums[5] user conoR submitted a thread asking about the "Joel Skype meme." On March 31st, 2016, Yahoo! Esports[3] published an article listing "Joel Skype" among various other memes on Twitch chat.

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