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It's Over / We're Back is a catchphrase used in memes to indicate an upturn and downturn of events, often humorously flipping back and forth between the two, sometimes endlessly. While the use of the phrase "We're Back" in relation to the Trump-related phrase It's Over can be traced to late 2021, memes about the two phrases only began to proliferate in 2022. In early 2023, the related catchphrase It's SO Over also resulted in a variant of this meme, causing a subsequent resurgence in the following months.



The phrase It's Over in combination with an image of a dejected-looking Trump became a prominent 4chan reaction image after 2016, with several memes using the phrase "It's so over" in early 2022. Use of the phrase "We're Back" in conjunction with "It's Over" in memes back can be traced back to 2021, with various Twitter users commenting on the relation of the two terms,[1] including an October 11th, 2021 post by @Tomoko_Lover,[2] an October 21st, 2021, post by Twitter[3] user @jawn_117 (seen below, left), and a December 6th post by Twitter[4] user @Chadsonlight (seen below, right).

Ra's al Gore @jawn_117 "WE'RE BACK WE'RE SO F------ BACK WE'RE BACK WE'RE BACK WE'RE BACK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "Oh it's over? Ahaha that's too bad, guess I'll cope!" K 5:55 PM Oct 21, 2021 :

The earliest known notable meme to use the phrase "It's Over / We're Back" is an April 17th, 2021, post by Twitter[5] user @shamshi_adad that gathered over 200 likes in over a year (seen below).


On March 4th, 2022, Twitter[6] user @s4m31p4n posted a meme using the phrase "It's Over / We're Back," gathering over 500 likes in a year (seen below, left). On March 24th, the Twitter[7] account @Varangian_Tagma posted a meme using the phrase as well, gathering over 2,300 likes in a year (seen below, right).

On May 18th, 2022, the Instagram[8] page @rightwing.grifting posted a meme that used the phrase "It's Over / We're Back," gathering 40 likes in 11 months (seen below, left). On July 30th, the Instagram[9] page @monkey.posting posted a Stimulus Screen monkey meme that gathered over 7,000 likes in over seven months (seen below, right).


IT'S OVER refers to a series of captioned image macros and reaction images using a person, character, animal or Wojak that is making a sad, defeated or depressed face.

It's SO Over

It's SO Over is a catchphrase used in parodies of a viral tweet by Twitter user @heartereum, who posted pictures of scantily clad AI-generated women with the caption "It's SO over" in January 2023, seemingly implying that AI would soon make the industry obsolete. The tweet caused much discussion on the app, but many mocked the implied premise that AI would replace humans. Parodies of the tweet read "It's SO Over" and show a comically disfigured character in their picture, a reference to how AI still has trouble generating accurately proportioned human beings.

It's Joever / We're Barack

In early 2023, memes depicting US Presidents Joe Biden using the phrase It's Joever spread on 4chan. That spring, they were joined by memes also featuring Barack Obama labelled "We're Barack" that punned on the "We're So Over / We're So Back" meme phrase.

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External References

[1]  Twitter – faceshopx

[2] Twitter – Tomoko_Lover

[3] Twitter – jawn_117

[4] Twitter – Chadsonlight

[5] Twitter – shamshi_adad

[6] Twitter – s4m31p4n

[7] Twitter – Varangian_Tagma

[8] Instagram – ringwing.grifting

[9] Instagram – monkey.posting

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