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iPhone X Price Comparison Charts refer to exploitable images showing the various things that cost less than the $999 it will cost for an iPhone X. Visually, they look similar to Who would win? charts.


On September 13th, 2017, Apple unveiled the iPhone X (pronounced “iPhone 10”). In addition to the numerous features the phone will come with, fans noticed the hefty $999 price tag. That day, Twitter user @laurenelizlane tweeted the observation that all the food on the menu of American restaurant chain Cracker Barrel combined costs less than the iPhone X (shown below. Editor's note: this user's account is protected and the image below is a screenshot posted to Dopl3r[1]).

The following day, Instagram user clordriverspics[2] posted an image comparing the prices of the iPhone X and the Cracker Barrel menu, gaining over 10,000 likes.


Over the course of the following weeks, several other edits pointing out things that cost less than the iPhone X appeared online. On the 14th, Instagram account edgymemes[3] posted an edit that noted that the iPhone X was more expensive than "nothing." The post gained over 5,400 notes (shown below, left). On September 20th, a repost to /r/memeeconomy[4] showed an example that compared the price of an iPhone X with 83 copies of the film Shrek 3, gaining over 29,000 points (shown below, right).

Meanwhile, dozens of edits were posted to /r/dankmemes that week. An edit comparing the iPhone X to hundreds of copies of the Communist Manifesto gained over 4,600 likes[5] (shown below, left). Another edit showing the amount of Robux one could purchase with that money gained over 5,200 points[6] (shown below, right).

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