Part of a series on United States Space Force. [View Related Entries]
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#IGotKickedOutOfSpaceForce is a hashtag game in which participants share joke reasons they would be removed from the Space Force using references to different pieces of science fiction from culture.
On January 24th, 2020, Twitter [1] user @chaconkie shared an ultrasound image of a xenomorph alien from the film Alien with the caption "#IGotKickedOutOfSpaceForce for getting pregnant." The tweet received more than 280 likes in less than three days (shown below).
That day, the account @DTaggin announced the hashtag game.[2] They wwrote, "Join us and our hosts @chaconkie and @ChairsInferno, with our friends from @EmoTastic_tags, @MadAnter and @VeiledHeart_ as our guests for tonight's tag #IGotKickedOutOfSpaceForce Go pound sign with your tags out! Cheers" (shown below, left).
The following day, on January 25th, Twitter[3] user @Neff213 tweeted a GIF of a person in an Ewok costume and the caption, "#IGotKickedOutOfSpaceForce for teaching an Ewok how to 'Crip Walk.'" The tweet received more than 2,000 likes and 385 retweets in less than three days (shown below, center).
Over the next 24 hours, others continued to share variations of jokes about Space Force and reasons people who would be getting "kicked out" (shown below, right).
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