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#GOPHatesPoorPeople is a Twitter hashtag used to criticize the American Republican Party for policies that are hostile to the lower class. It can also be used sarcastically to criticize Democrats for the same behavior. Related hashtags include #uniteblue.
The first tweet to use the hashtag was posted on July 7, 2011 by user @tesstoro:
The hashtag was sporadically used across twitter before it became popular on March 18th, 2015[1].
On March 18th, 2015, a series of popular tweets were posted by a variety of users using the hashtag. Each tweet was different, but they alluded to a series of arguments going on in Congress over the federal budget, the annual farm bill, and a recent Senate work delay over a bill that would fairly recompense sex workers. The last bill had bipartisan support before reaching the Senate floor, causing many to complain that the delay was generated by partisan politics.
Users began to tweet using the hash tag, often accompanied by image macros detailing political points.
The hashtag spread quickly; at its peak, during the night of March 18th and throughout the following day, it was used by 55,206 users and was the top trending hashtag in the United States.
Many conservatives used the tag to defend themselves against the criticism, including famous commentators like Michelle Malkin.
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External References
[1] Twitter – Twitter Search: #GOPHatesPoorPeople
[2] Kicker – Twitter is having a huge catfight over whether the #GOPHatesPoorPeople
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