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Goodnight 4chan Threads are threads on the imageboard 4chan where the original post simply says "goodnight", followed by the name of whatever individual 2chan board the thread was posted on. These threads are often accompanied by several recurring image types.


Goodnight threads have been posted to 4chan since at least 2008.[1] Over time, the images accompanying these threads have mostly conformed to two types: one based on a MS Paint drawing of a man sleeping in a bed, and the other one based on an image of the character Mona sleeping on a futon. The Mona variant is older, dating back to 2009 and originating on /a/ (Anime & Manga).[3] The MS Paint variant dates back to 2011.[4] click to enlarge image


The MS Paint variant has been posted over 900 times on 4chan. The Mona variant image has been posted nearly 500 times. A screencap of a thread featuring the MS Paint drawing was posted onto the r/4chan subreddit in 2015 (shown below), where it gained over 2000 upvotes.[2]

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External References

[1] – Search: goodnight /a/

[2] Reddit – Anon wishes /b/ a good night

[3] – More searching

[4] – Even more searching

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