Five Word Movie Plot Challenge
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Five Word Movie Plot Challenge refers to a social game on Twitter started by The Academy, the organization that gives out The Academy Awards, asking Twitter users to describe their favorite film in five words.
On July 31st, 2018, The Academy[1] tweeted "Share the plot of your favorite movie in five words." The tweet gained over 1,300 retweets, 9,800 likes, and over 47,000 responses (shown below).
Most of the responses to the tweet were jokes oversimplifying famous plots. Some popular examples include a tweet by @darth describing Star Wars as "A war in the stars," gaining over 50 retweets and 300 likes (shown below, left). Stephen Colbert made a similar joke with Lord of the Rings, gaining over 1,400 retweets and 18,000 likes (shown below, right).
Twitter accounts for various films joined in on the game, tweeting the plots to the films they represent. The account for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tweeted a summary of the film, gaining 16 retweets and 70 likes in two hours (shown below, left).. The British Film Institute, which lists Vertigo as the greatest movie of all time, described the plot of the film as "James Stewart can't climb stairs" (shown below, right). The responses were covered by Daily Dot.[2]
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[1] Twitter – The Academy
[2] Daily Dot – Twitter takes on five-word movie plot challenge with hilarious results
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