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Stephen Harper was the Prime Minister of Canada from 2006 to 2015. Prior to 2012 he won a slight majority in the Government without the majority of popular support, similar to George W. Bush in the USA.

Brigette DePape was a participant of the Senate Page Program. This gave her access to the Senate floor. During the first speech of the new Harper Government, she silently held up a sign that read "Stop Harper!" . This action lead to her dismissal. Since that day similar stop-signs along with her white page's gloves have appeared on the internet and political events.


Senate page Brigette DePape was fired for holding a "Stop Harper" sign during the government's first throne speech. In a subsequent interview DePape said, "Harper's agenda is disastrous for this country and for my generation." A 21-year-old graduate from the University of Ottawa, said she decided to put her job on the line and stage the silent protest.

Article: Senate page fired for holding a "Stop Harper" sign

A few days after this incident, US filmmaker Michael Moore came out in support of DePape and called her actions an “iconic moment” in Canadian politics, according to the Canadian Press.

“For a young person to do that and to do it peacefully, and quietly and with grace, I thought it was a very powerful moment,” said Moore. “Every now and then there is an iconic moment where an individual takes action, and it inspires others to think.”

Moore later posted her protest photo on his website and provided links on his Facebook that support the former Parliamentary Page. The director of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Capitalism: A Love Story” even offered her a job.

Michael Moore's Website

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