Stay The Fuck Home
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Part of a series on COVID-19 Pandemic. [View Related Entries]
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Stay the Fuck Home, also known as the hashtag #StayTheFuckHome, is a campaign to encourage people to participate in social distancing during the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
On March 9th, 2020, Florian Reifschneider, a web developer, launched the website[1] The site spreads the ethos of the movement. It reads:
Our governments are failing us in preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and containing the COVID-19 pandemic. Slow reactions, public appeasement policies, and their urge to stabilize the economy are keeping them from taking the measures it takes to protect millions from this disease. It is time for us, as citizens of this earth, to take action now and do our part in fighting COVID-19.
That day, he tweeted, [2] "If our government isn't helping, maybe we need to help ourselves" (shown below).
![If our government isn't helping, maybe we need to help ourselves Florian Reifschneider @flo_re2003 If our government isn't helping, maybe we need to help ourselves #staythefuckhome #COVID19 #coronavirus #SARSCOV2 #Quarantine #pandemic #CoronavirusFrance #CoronaVirusDE #coronavirusdeutschland #StayTheFuckHome A Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic A Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic | #StayTheFuckHome Our governments are failing us, we need to take action now! Do your part and stay the f--- home! 8 7:29 PM · Mar 9, 2020 · Twitter Web App](
Online Reception
On March 11th, Redditor [2] imitationcheese posted about the campaign in the /r/Coronavirus subreddit. The post received more than 30,000 points (89% upvoted) and 2,100 comments in less than 24 hours.
That day, people began posting about the campaign on Twitter (examples below).
Additionally, that day, Reifschneider tweeted, "Over 100k people have visited the #StayTheFuckHome website, it's on the top of /r/Coronavirus, on the Reddit Frontpage, and I don't even know how to count the numbers of shares and tweets. A big thank you to all for this overwhelming support!"
Media Coverage
On March 11th, HuffPost[3] published an interview with Reifschneider. He told the outlet:
After the outbreak in Italy and the rising numbers of infected people in other European countries and the US, I got frustrated at the almost negligent reaction that most governments have shown so far. In Germany, the government is still discussing if they should allow people to attend soccer matches and other big events and a large number of people still think this new virus is just like the flu.
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External References
[1] Stay the Fuck Home –
[2] Twitter – @flo_re2003's Tweet
[3] HuffPost – This Man Wants You To 'Stay The F**k Home' To Stop Coronavirus
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