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Part of a series on Justin Trudeau. [View Related Entries]
Peoplekind refers to a controversial "joke" made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who, during a town hall event, corrected a woman for saying "mankind" not "peoplekind." The term became talking point on various news outlets as well as the subject of mockery online, as well as accusations of virtue signaling and mansplaining.
On February 2nd, 2018, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau corrected a woman for saying "mankind" not "peoplekind" at a town hall event in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The woman, who was asking a question about bible studies and the power of "maternal love," said, "Maternal love is the love that’s going to change the future of mankind." Trudeau responded, "We like to say 'peoplekind', not necessarily ‘mankind’, because it’s more inclusive.
That day, CBC News uploaded the speech (shown below) to YouTube, [1] where it received more than 79,000 views in less than one week.
Online Response
Several days later, on February 5th, Twitter [2] user @Bmac0507 tweeted a video of the portion of the speech where Trudeau makes the correction. They included the caption "Justin Trudeau correcting a girl for saying "mankind" because it's offensive is truly amazing." The tweet (shown below) received more than 5,100 retweets and 12,000 likes in three days.
In the days that followed, the comment made the front page on several subreddits, including several on /r/The_Donald that received more than 1,500 points in three days.[3][4][5][6]. Additionally, there were several threads on the /r/CringeAnarchy subreddit that received more than 1,000 points.[7][8][9] One post on /r/CringeAnarchy[10] by Redditor OneSpecies posted an image macro featuring a screenshot of the moment with the caption "Don't say women…say wopeople." The post (shown below) received more than 1,500 points (96% upvoted) and 100 comments.
Conservative Response
The conservative media took issue with Trudeau's comments, particularly on Fox News. On February 6th, the the program Fox and Friends[11] had Dr. Jordan Peterson on for an interview. He said, "It's quite the performance. I'm afraid that our prime minister is only capable of running his ideas on a few very narrow ideological tracks."
The Daily Mail's[12] Piers Morgan published an article accusing Trudeau of "virtue signaling."
On February 7th, the son of United States President Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted,[13] "We prefer using the word 'it' as it is much more inclusive… also how dare you just assume somepersons (sic) gender???" The tweet (shown below) received more than 1,500 retweets and 6,600 likes in 24 hours.
Trudeau's Response
On February 7th, Prime Minister Trudeau told reporters that the comment was "a dumb joke." He said, "You all know that I don’t necessarily have the best of track records on jokes. I made a dumb joke a few days ago that seems to have gone a little viral… on the 'peoplekind' comment."[14]
Media Coverage
Several media outlets covered the backlash to Trudeau's comments, including Vice,[15] The New York Times,[16] The Washington Post[17] and more.
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External References
[1] YouTube – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau holds town hall in Edmonton LIVE
[2] Twitter – @Bmac0507's Tweet
[3] Reddit – Here at The_Donald, we recognize that the word "Peoplekind" is discriminatory against aliens and animals. Instead, we use the word OrganicKind, which is far more inclusive of frogs like Pepe.
[4] Reddit – Peterson on Justin Trudont's 'Peoplekind' comment, 'It's quite the performance.' Goes on to slam language made by 'Radical Leftists'
[5] Reddit – 😂😂😂 Trudeau faces backlash over his 'peoplekind' correction. By Who, you might ask? By feminists accusing him of 'mansplaining' AHAHAHA! Folks, they're eating their own! 😂😂😂
[6] Reddit – Trudeau interrupts a woman speaking during question time to tell her that he's offended she said the gender neutral 'Mankind' instead of 'Peoplekind'.
[7] Reddit – Justin Trudeau interrupts woman asking him a question: 'We like to say peoplekind not menkind'
[8] Reddit – Justin Trudeau Corrects Woman Saying, "Mankind," Makes Her Say, "Peoplekind," Instead
[9] Reddit – Its "Peoplekind" NOT mankind…..Canada's should change their flag to this…
[11] Fox News – Professor on Trudeau's 'Mankind' Objection: Canada Will 'Pay' for This Leftist Ideology
[12] The Daily Mail – How dare you kill off mankind, Mr Trudeau, you spineless virtue-signalling excuse for a feminist
[13] Twitter – @DonaldJTrumpJr's Tweet
[14] CTV News – PM Trudeau admits 'peoplekind' comment was 'a dumb joke'
[15] Vice – Justin Trudeau Said 'Peoplekind' and Right-wing Media Is Very Upset!
[16] The New York Times – Justin Trudeau Regrets ‘Peoplekind’: ‘I Made a Dumb Joke’
[17] The Washington Post – Justin Trudeau responds to backlash over his ‘peoplekind’ comment: ‘I made a dumb joke’
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