Jacob Wohl's "Elizabeth Warren Cougar" Press Conference
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Jacob Wohl's "Elizabeth Warren Cougar" Press Conference refers to a press conference held by Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, the duo behind trumping up numerous allegations against prominent public figures, alleging that Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren had a long-term sexual relationship with a 24-year old former marine. Like other attempts the duo have made against public figures, the press conference was quickly mocked online, while specific details of the allegations were brought into question with conflicting evidence.
On October 2nd, many media figures reported that they'd received a press release from Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman announcing a press conference the following day in which they would be joined by a former marine who "claims to have had a long-term sexual relationship" with Senator Elizabeth Warren (shown below).[1] The press release stated the allegations will “shock the conscious (sic) of the nation.” Wohl and Burkman had previously attempted similar smear attempts against Robert Mueller, Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg.
On October 3rd, the press conference held by Wohl and Burkman was reportedly not very well-attended. User @manda_writes[2] posted updates from the conference, sarcastically tweeting the event was "packed" with a picture of about a dozen people (shown below, left). During the conference, the marine alleged that he had had BDSM sex with Warren (shown below, right).
Twitter user Ford Fischer posted video of the entire press conference (shown below).
At one point in the press conference, the marine showed onlookers a scar on his back, alleging he got it from when Elizabeth Warren hit him with a whip during sex.[3] However, the man's Instagram account, which was still public at the time of the conference, includes a picture of him showing off the scar, saying he got it taking down a tire swing (shown below, left). Others joked about the picture showing the man's tattoo celebrating the XXX film franchise, which caused Vin Diesel to trend on Twitter that day (example shown below, right).
Others joked that the story made them more likely to vote for Warren. Twitter user @caro joked, "Elizabeth Warren being a voracious cougar who hooks up with 24-year-old bodybuilders would make me want to vote for her" (shown below, left). User @iAmTheWarax tweeted, "honestly if senator warren really was smashing some 24 year old Marine bodybuilder, i’d vote for her twice" (shown below, right).
Warren appeared to make fun of the scandal on Twitter by pointing out the fact she went to the University of Houston, whose mascot is coincidentally is a Cougar.[4] She said she was "proud to be a cougar."
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