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Donald Trump's Tan Face Photo, also known as Donald Trump's Orange Face Photo, refers to a picture taken by photographer William Moon of Donald Trump returning to the White House after a trip to Charlotte, North Carolina. The image was widely shared on social media by those who mocked the contrast in color on Trump's face, spawning numerous photoshopped parody images.


On February 7th, 2020, Trump was photographed walking toward the White House after returning from a trip to North Carolina. Shortly after, the @photowhitehouse[4] Twitter feed posted a photograph by William Moon of Trump looking in the direction of the camera with windswept hair, showing a stark contrast between the tan coloration on his face and the pale skin at his hairline (shown below).


Also on February 7th, 2020, Redditor FirstManLostOnMars submitted the photo to /r/photoshopbattles,[3] where it gathered upwards of 34,200 points (83% upvoted) and 1,300 comments within 16 hours. The top comment submitted by Redditor regoapps featured a photoshop removing the tan coloration from Trump's face (shown below). That evening, BuzzFeed News[7] published an article titled "The Photographer Who Took That Unflattering Photo Of Trump Said It Wasn’t Photoshopped," which included a statement from William Moon who claimed he "used the Apple smartphone’s photo app to adjust the color of the picture."

The following day, Redditor DaFunkJunkie submitted the photo to /r/worldpolitics[1] with the title "The White House deleted this official photo. Captain Fake Spray Tan in all of his orange glory." Two hours later, Redditor BigDCanuck posted a photoshopped image to /r/pics[2] of a man spraying a wooden fence with a hole in it, followed by the picture of Trump's face (shown below).

Also on February 8th, comedian John Poveromo[5] posted a multi-pane image in which the cartoon character Bugs Bunny lights a cigar in Donald Trump's mouth that explodes in his face to reveal the tan face photo (shown below).

Donald Trump's Response

That evening, Donald Trump tweeted[6] about the photograph, referring to it as "fake news" and claiming it was photoshopped (shown below).

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