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Disgustang refers to a video where two little girls can be seen in front of their webcam; one is talking, when a woman that appears to be their mother suddenly enters the room, uttering her displeasure in a heavy Scottish accent about the toilet's not having been flushed after someone (presumably one of the girls) had defecated; one of the girls then replies that “it wasn’t me,” and the mother, later identified as Lizzie Brash, retorts one of them must be the culprit, raising her voice before leaving. The two girls then look at each other for a moment silently, and the left one finally shuts down the webcam, ending the video. The video and particularly the mother's pronunciation of the word "Disgusting" has continued to be parodied over five years since the video first appeared online.


On August 9th, 2013, Redditor just_jay_94[3] posted a since-deleted video of the incident to /r/videos, gaining over 2,800 points (shown below).

-- [Girl] I’m going to sing Cher Lloyd – by Cher Lloyd oh – Becky G right. And don’t forget all the trouble we got into.
-- [Mother] Why does somebody not know how to flush the toilet after they had a shit.
-- [Girl] It wasn’t me.
-- [Mother] Well it was fuckin one of you’s. Disgusting.


Several users on social networks have referred to the video, of which several copies have been uploaded on YouTube. A humorous YouTube video entitled "CHER LLOYD DID IT (It wasn't me)" posted on August 12th, 2013 garnered over three million views it makes use of the Cher Lloyd reference and shows the mother's ranting via chroma keying (shown below, left).[2] On April, 2016, a subtitled version of the video which dubbed the mom's pronunciation of "disgusting" as "DISGUSTANG" was uploaded to YouTube by jswaggymmpfh (shown below, right).

Over the following years, the word "DISGUSTANG" became associated with the video. For example, user aerotechwang1 posted a parody of Lilo and Stitch with the audio, gaining over 40,000 views (shown below, left). A compilation of remixes posted by Deem Gamez gained over 320,000 views (shown below, right).

Others have used the phrase "DISGUSTANG" to describe unpleasant images. For example, a post in /r/memes referencing the video posted December 23rd, 2018 titled "DISGUSTANG" gained over 2,600 points (shown below, left).[4] A Can't Hear, Can't See meme posted to the same subreddit on January 4th, 2019 gained over 4,800 points[5] (shown below, right).

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External References

[1] – Please Learn To Flush The Toilet Girls – It Wasn’t Me / Posted on 8-10-2013

[2] YouTube – CHER LLOYD DID IT / Posted on 8-12-2013

[3] Reddit – Why doesn't somebody know how to flush the toilet.

[4] Reddit – Disgustang

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