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The Dearest Karthus Copypasta, also known as Just Type "Karthus Ult," refers to a League of Legends copypasta that's a written letter to a "Karthus main" teammate that's imagined to be mailed to the teammate as a humorous alternative to simply pinging them. In late 2023, League of Legends programmers limited the ability of players to ping each other based on a then-newly added chat restriction designed to combat toxicity and hate. In turn, American League of Legends esports commentator Phreak urged people to "Just type 'Karthus ult,'" which outraged many and spawned the "Dearest Karthus" meme on Reddit. Going into late 2023, the copypasta gained eminence in the League of Legends community, spawning video memes.


On November 8th, 2023, YouTuber[1] Phreak posted a video that was a "Patch 13.22 Rundown" in which he covered new chat restrictions that were added to League of Legends. At the video's 1:41:07-minute mark, Phreak told viewers "Just type 'Karthus Ult,'" as an alternative to pinging (shown below). The video received roughly 42,000 views in three weeks.

Soon after, on November 8th, 2023, Redditor Barb0ssaEUW posted to /r/leagueoflegends[2] a criticism of Phreak's suggestion, leading with the title, "Phreak stating that you can type 'Karthus Ult' instead of pinging it underlines his sheer oversimplification of the use of communication." The post gained roughly 13,900 upvotes in three weeks.

Later on November 8th, 2023, Redditor[3] charmanderaznable commented on Barb0ssaEUW's post, spawning the Dearest Karthus" copypasta that outlined an imaginary letter to a Karthus main that was a satirical work-around to pinging them. It read:

Dearest Karthus,

I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as i do believe Lee sin has come to dive our tower.

Sincerely, Your bottom lane

Over three weeks, the comment received roughly 11,500 upvotes (shown below).


Memes using the copypasta started to spread on the subreddit, such as an image shared by Redditor Praelatuz to /r/leagueoflegends[4] on November 8th, 2023, that showed the copypasta as message which resulted in a user's chat restriction, gaining roughly 7,100 upvotes in three weeks (shown below, left).

On November 9th, 2023, X[5] user and LoL steamer @Caedrel posted the copypasta, gaining roughly 14,000 likes in three weeks (shown below, right).

On November 10th, 2023, YouTuber[6] DumbsLIVE posted a video that used the copypasta, showing him mailing a letter to Karthus, gaining roughly 73,500 views in three weeks (shown below).

Similar video memes also surfaced on Reddit[7] during the same timeframe.

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