Columbian Chemicals Plant Explosion Hoax

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Columbian Chemicals Plant Explosion Hoax refers to a rumor that Birla Carbon's Columbian Chemicals plant located in Centerville, Louisiana had suffered an explosion on September 11th, 2014. The rumor began when citizens of a neighboring town was sent a text alert, then spread online.
On September 11th, 2014, citizens in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana,[4] located near Centerville, Louisana, the location of Birla Carbon's Columbian Chemicals Plant, received a text message warning them the plant has suffered an explosion.
Also on September 11th, at 8:01 AM PST, Twitter user digrinzburg[2] introduced the hashtag #ColumbianChemicals without explanation. In less than 24 hours the hashtag[3] was tweeted out over 31,000 times.
On September 11th, YouTuber Amy Foster[5] uploaded a video titled "Panic due to the explosion on on a Columbian Chemicals facility in Louisiana" which features a short video of an ambulance on the highway. The same day YouTuber Eric Wood[6] uploaded a video titled "Flash from an explosion on a Columbian Chemicals facility in Louisiana" which shows a flash in a gas station.
Hoax Confirmation
On September 11th, local news station KATC[1] published Birla Carbon's Columbian Chemicals Plant's official statement confirming the explosion was a hoax which read:
"We have been informed by the community that a text message has been received by several individuals indicating a release of toxic gas from the Birla Carbon's Columbian Chemicals Plant near Centerville, Louisiana. The content as stated by the text message is not true. There has been no release of such toxic gas, explosion or any other incident in our facility. We are not aware of the origin of this text message. Law enforcement authorities have been contacted and are following up on this matter."
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External References
[1] KATC – disneybound
[2] Twitter- digrinzburg
[3] Topsy- #ColumbianChemicals
[4] KATC- St. Mary Parish toxic fume warning a hoax
[5] YouTube- Amy Foster
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