Cédric O StopCovid
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In June 2020, Cédric O is the french Secretary of State for the Digital Sector. He promotes the gouvernemental contact tracing app for smartphone against Covid-19 in french media.
Because of the controversial nature of the application and the unnatural aspect of one of the communication photo from AFP, it is widely edited, especially by a public promoting the use of free software.
The first recorded occurence is from @GSchwartzmann on his Twitter account. On June the 4th 2020, he edited a picture of Cédric O showing a smartphone with StopCovid (the french official contact tracing app), taking by AFP, to fill the smartphone's screen with a screenshot of F-Droid app (a catalogue of FOSS) and posted it on Twitter.
That can be translated in english by:
@cedric_o actively supports F-Droid, the installable catalog of free and open-source applications for the Android platform f-droid.org/
In the following hours (after the original Twitter post), the satirical french-speaking account @Troll (presenting himself as an anti-capybara activist) takes the photo edited by GSchwartzmann and provides ready-to-use templates on Mastodon:
Immediately, many users of the alternative social network grab these templates and offer their own variations.
Various Examples