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Card Crusher is a meme involving a video of Japanese actor Shinichi Usui receiving a business card from a TV host and crushing it in his hand and staring at her. The video became widespread on 4chan's /b/ board, referred to also as Zoomjap.



Actor Shinichi Usui (Japanese: 薄井伸一, Usui Shinichi)[1] is a Japanese actor best known for his portrayal of character Professor Jun Himonya (Japanese: 教授・碑文谷 潤, Kyōju Himonya Jun), a professor of linguistics at Tokyo Tokai University and specialist on human anger. In 2006, he appeared on the DVD "How To Make Your Mild-Mannered Boss Angry" (温厚な上司の怒らせ方), and in 2007, the DVD "How To Make The Person You Care About Most Angry" (一番大切な人の怒らせ方). The success of these DVDs gained him a mini television show on the channel TV Tokyo's Ene! (Eネ!) 10-minutes block, broadcast as "Professor Himonya's Midnight Seminar: You Can't Ask People Now! A Course On How To Get Angry" (碑文谷教授のミッドナイトゼミナール 今さら人に聞けない!怒らせ方講座)[2].

One of the episode segments, titled "Ruthless" (無残) involved Usui's character and his co-host acting out a scene in which he receives her business card before mercilessly crushing it in front of her and staring silently.


The video of the aforementioned segment appears to have first been posted to 4chan in December 2007, finding popularity on the /a/ board first as Rude Dude, then spreading to the /b/ and /jp/ boards.

An exploitable template of the clip was also created by an anonymous 2channel user, shown below.


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