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Call Me Old Fashioned refers to a phrasal template mocking a tweet that claims the Twitter user was "raised to take care of [their] husband."


On June 10th, 2019, Twitter user @_brylealangley[1] tweeted, "call me old fashioned, but i was raised to take care of my husband make his plate every night, wash his work clothes for him, make sure he’s up for work the next morning, always have a clean house for him to come home to, etc. and that’s exactly wife i will be" (show below). The tweet gained over 57,700 likes and 13,000 retweets in a week.

brylea kay @_brylealangley call me old fashioned, but i was raised to take care of my husband make his plate every night, wash his work clothes for him, make sure he's up for work the next morning, always have a clean house for him to come home to, etc. and that's exactly wife i will be 6:13 PM - 10 Jun 2019


On June 11th, 2019, Twitter user @TheLifeOfLane[2] used the original template to voice his own point of view (shown below, left). The tweet accumulated over 3,200 likes and 400 retweets in six days. Other Twitter users applied the template to potential sinister marital situations. On June 13th, @emstrology[3] tweeted, "call me old fashioned, but i was raised to take care of my husband Poison his plate one night, wash the evidence away, pretend to mourn at his funeral, inherit his wealth, etc. and that’s exactly wife i will be" (shown below, center). That same day, Twitter user @conangray[4] tweeted, "call me old fashioned, but i was raised to take care of my husband chew his food for him and spit it directly into his mouth, wipe his ass for him after he shits, treat him like a big fat ugly oversized baby etc. that’s exactly the wife i will be" (shown below, right). The tweet gained over 17,300 retweets and 100,700 likes in four days.

"Raised To Serve My Wife" Variation

Shortly after the "raised to serve my husband" variations grew popular, a "copypasta" variation featuring "I was raised to serve my wife" began growing popular on Twitter. Contrary to the "husband" variations, these largely served to express adoration for a female celebrity or fictional character. The copypasta reads:

call me old fashioned but i was raised to serve my wife. clean up after her. take care of her every day and cook for her every night. my wife’s needs come first. if my wife cheats on me it means i’ve fucked up and i need to address myself.

An early example was posted on July 24th, 2019, by @lisaismylifee[5] and featured Lisa from Blackpink, gaining over 20 retweets and 80 likes in four years (shown below, left). On July 20th, 2023, Twitter user @ZonaNemona[6] posted a variation featuring Nemona from Pokémon, gaining over 25 retweets and 270 likes in one week (shown below, right).

Various Examples

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External References

[1] Twitter – _brylealangley

[2] Twitter – TheLifeOfLane

[3] Twitter – emstrology

[4] Twitter – Conangray

[5] Twitter – lisaismylifee

[6] Twitter – ZonaNemona

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