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"Bone Apple Tea", also known as "Bone App the Teeth", are phrases mimicking the French expression "bon appétit" ("enjoy your meal" in English), which are often used sarcastically to caption photographs of unappetizing food online. The phrase "bone apple tea" has mutated even farther, to things that only remotely sound like the original phrase, like "boneless feet". Additionally, "Bone Apple Tea" is a general name for any misspelling that involves replacing words with similarly-sounding words or combinations, such as "Twisted Fucking Cycle Path."


On August 1st, 2016, the World Star Hip Hop[2] Facebook page posted a screenshot of a photo uploaded by user Dunta Pickett, captioned with the phrase "bone apple tea" instead of "bon appétit" (shown below).

Dunta 4 hrs . My BIRTHDAY dinner to myself...bone Apple tea. myself..bone Apple tea.e Apple tea

In the comments section, Pickett replied thanking "everyone for the lovely comments" and joked "don't get in your feeling cause I'm going viral" (shown below).


On August 2nd, 2016, the screenshot was was submitted to the /r/sadcringe[7] subreddit, where it gathered upwards of 1,000 votes (98% upvoted) and 40 comments within two months. On August 6th, Twitter user @Speculation (now @GodlyTheRuler[3]) posted a photograph of cooked corn kernels over several slices of white bread with the description "just made some cornbread, bone app the teeth" (shown below). Within two months, the tweet gathered upwards of 44,500 likes and 37,500 retweets.

On August 8th, Urban Dictionary[1] user HorseTheBootyFiller submitted an entry for "bone apple tea," defining it as "like French or some shit" (shown below). A screenshot of the definition was later posted by Instagram user fuckjerry, receiving more than 182,000 likes and 57,000 comments over the next two months.

On August 16th, YouTuber Joe Santangato posted a video titled "Idiots Of The Internet Pt 10," mocking examples of people misspelling "bon appetit" (shown below). Within two months, the video gained over 2.6 million views and 4,200 comments.

On September 14th, an Urban Dictionary entry for "bone app the teeth" was created, defining it as an expression uttered before a meal for "religious purposes" (shown below).

On October 14th, Twitter user @carpooler724_[5] tweeted a photograph of a straw poking stuck into a plastic bag filled with air along with the caption "Packed a delicious vegan lunch for my daughter. Bone apple tea!" (shown below, left). The following day, Twitter user @taecicle[6] posted a photograph of a plastic hamburger and chicken wing along with the phrase "bone app the teeth" (shown below, right). On October 19th, BuzzFeed[4] published an compilation of food photographs captioned with "bone apple tea" and "bone app the teeth."

Twisted Fucking Cycle Path

Twisted Fucking Cycle Path is a misspelling of "twisted fucking psychopath" that originates from a tweet posted in September 2018. Following the viral spread of the screenshots of the tweet, the misspelling gained popularity in ironic memes, used both independently and in conjunction with formats such as I Have Two Sides.

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External References

[1] Urban Dictionary – bone apple tea

[2] Facebook – Worldstar Hip Hop

[3] Twitter – godlytheruler

[4] BuzzFeed – You Say Bon Appetit

[5] Twitter – @carpooler724_

[6] Twitter – @taecicle

[7] Reddit – @sadcringe

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