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The Body Count Detector is a TikTok filter that guesses a person's "body count," as in how many people they've slept with in their life. It was created in mid-2022 and inspired lots of usage going into the remainder of the year.


The Body Count Detector filter was created by TikToker[1] niccalexander in early August 2022. On August 9th, 2022, TikToker[2] blondiesunday was the first to use the filter in a video that received roughly 438,200 plays and 37,600 likes in nine days (shown below).


Inspired by blondiesunday's video, other TikTokers started using the filter in the days following. For instance, on August 14th, 2022, TikToker[3] nicosgirlfriendlolz used the filter in a video that received roughly 21,000 plays and 1,700 likes in four days (shown below, left). On August 15th, 2022, TikToker[4] lifted_hi posted a video using the filter with a text overlay reading, "Why would tiktok make a body count detector ???" Her video received roughly 8.4 million plays and 771,900 likes in three days (shown below, right).

The trend quickly spread to verified TikTokers after the virality of lifted_hi's video. For instance, on August 16th, 2022, TikToker[5] chasedemoor added a video that showed his body count, earning roughly 124,200 likes in two days (shown below, left). On August 17th, 2022, TikToker[6] zozoroe used the filter in a video that received roughly 498,000 plays and 67,900 likes in one day (shown below, right).

By August 18th, 2022, the filter[1] had amassed roughly 52,100 videos using it.

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External References

[1] TikTok – niccalexander's 'Body Count Filter'

[2] TikTok – @blondiesunday

[3] TikTok – @nicosgirlfriendlolz

[4] TikTok – @lifted_hi

[5] TikTok – @chasedemoor

[6] TikTok – @zozoroe

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