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The phrase "Bitch you guessed it!" is a lyric taken from the rap song "U Guessed It" by rapper OG Maco. It is often used as an aggressive response to a person that gave a random answer that was correct. Often it is followed by a following lyric "You was right!" which is said in a less aggressive manner. The lyrics became famous among the Vine community due to it's bi-polar nature and later spread out into various areas on the internet.


The song "U Guessed It" by OG Maco had it's video released on August 28, 2014 [1], where it has currently gained over 15 million views.

Vine Origin

One of the earliest examples of the song's use on Vine was the Vine titled "The Excited Bipolar Teacher" by viner Reggie COUZ, which was uploaded on September 10, 2014 [2].


In mid-September, the phrase took off greatly and several other Vines started to use the sample of the song.

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Youtube Vine Compilation

[This video has been removed]

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External Reference

[1] YoutubeOG Maco – U Guessed It

[2] Vine – The excited bipolar teacher

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