Ir/bikinibridge Remember quality, artsy pictures that really showcase the bikini bridge for pro bikini bridge propaganda. Weird, odd, or pictures showcasing the lack of a bikini bridge for anti bridge propaganda. Also, use slogans that have already been popularized( Health at Every Size") >Fake Facebook, Twitter and other social accounts To help circulate the p nda. The more friends, the better If youre feeling lazy slogans/text suggestions/pic >Spread the word (casually) Through facebook/twitter/tumblr and other media outlets >Post a picture(dont spam, but think passive repition) Remember: You do not have to push either side, even just mentioning "bikini bridge" or a slight preference will create a buzz. In fact, most often it is beneficial to show no preference at Think of viral marketing, and the power of repiti #BikiniBridge2014 can be pushed as a new years resolution ordeal. Target NYRers, weight loss pages/groups(as a "goal"), etc. These people already hold a predisposition. on. tldr GET IN HERE. OPERATION BIKINI BRIDGE IS A-GO" data-src="" height="392" srcset=", 680w" sizes="(max-width: 680px) 100%, 680px" layout="intrinsic" src="">
On the same day, BuzzFeed[8] highlighted a dozen of bikini bridge photos in the style of the "Just Girly Things" image macros in a post titled “12 Perks of Having a Bikini Bridge.” On the following day, Redditor rdwtoker submitted a post titled “Operation Bikini /b/ridge” to the /r/4chan[4] subreddit, featuring an Imgur gallery containing photoshopped tweets of celebrities Katy Perry, Pope Francis and Justin Bieber promoting the bikini bridge (shown below).
On January 6th, the women’s fitness blog Blogilates[7] published an article about the hashtag, which urged women not to base their beauty off of having a thigh gap and included several example photos taken from Instagram (shown below).
The next day, The Daily Mail[6] published an article in which the bikini bridge is labeled as a “disturbing selfie fad” and compared to the “thigh gap,” a related slang term used to describe a visible gap between a woman's thighs while standing upright with both knees touching. Also on January 7th, several news sites reported about 4chan's involvement in the hoax, including The Daily Dot,[11] Today[12] and BuzzFeed.[14] Within the first 48 hours, the hashtag #bikinibridge had been tweeted over 3,400 times according to the Twitter analytics site Topsy.[5]
[1] Tumblr – Bikini Bridge
[2] Reddit – /r/bikinibridge
[3] Urban Dictionary – bikini bridge
[4] Reddit – Operation Bikini bridge
[5] Topsy – bikini bridge
[6] The Daily Mail – Is the bikini bridge the new thigh gap
[7] Blogilates – Bikinibridge pointing out our mental flaws
[8] BuzzFeed – 12 Perks of Having a Bikini Bridge
[9] The Gloss – The Bikini Bridge is the New Thigh Gap
[10] Facebook – Bikini Bridge
[11] The Daily Dot – Bikini Bridge Hoax
[12] Today – Dont Fall for the Bikini Bridge Prank
[13] Barstool Sports – Im so addicted to the space between a girls stretched out bikini
[14] BuzzFeed – Internet Trolls Are Trying To Make The #BikiniBridges Trend Go Viral And It’s Unfortunately Working
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