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Big Nigga, also known as Big Nibba or Big Ni🅱🅱a, is a series of photoshops and image macros featuring photographs of obese Black men, many of which feature Dallas-based rapper Corey Struggs and are edited in the style of Deep Fried Memes. On Reddit, the character is often featured in Breaking News Parodies and depicted as a god-like superhero who protects humanity from danger.



The exact origin of the character is unknown. On April 19th, 2017, YouTuber yngxJosh uploaded a video titled "Phatnigga minecraft-meme," featuring video of a man belly dancing in the video game Minecraft (shown below).


On July 30th, 2017, the "Big Nibba Memes" Facebook[4] page was launched.

On November 24th, Redditor ganggxnggvng created the /r/bigniggasaga[1] subreddit, which gathered upwards of 4,600 subscribers over the next three months. On November 30th, Urban Dictionary[2] user Mr_Avacado_Man submitted an entry for "Big Nigga," defining the character as "the god sworn to protect the earth from harm" (shown below).

On December 3rd, a picture of a man holding an assault rifle titled "big nigga" was submitted to Shitpostbot 5000[5] (shown below).

On February 2nd, 2018, Redditor tylertiushman submitted a post asking "should I invest in big nigga memes?" to /r/MemeEconomy,[6] along with a "Breaking News" photoshop featuring the character.[3]

Corey Struggs' GoFundMe Campaign

In early December 2017, a GoFundMe[7] page was created to raise money for the medical costs of Corey Struggs, a Dallas-based rapper who is often featured in "Big Nigga" memes.

On February 23rd, 2018, Redditor pHorniCaiTe submitted the GoFundMe page to /r/dankmemes in a post titled "Big nigga has the big cancer," urging viewers to "get him the care he needs and deserves." Within six days, the post gained over 39,700 points (90% upvoted) and 840 comments. On February 28th, Redditor MalTeleVision submitted a post titled "Support Corey Struggs," featuring a cancer-themed image macro with the caption "When your weak ass couldn't even kill Robbie Rotten" (shown below). Within 48 hours, the post received more than 12,700 points (94% upvoted) and 80 comments on /r/dankmemes.[9]


On August 3rd, 2018, a GoFundMe update announced Corey Struggs had died earlier that day. Various tributes have later been posted on /r/bignigga and /r/dankmemes.

Various Examples

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External References

[1] Reddit – /r/bigniggasaga

[2] Urban Dictionary – big nigga

[3] Reddit – Found this on /r/dankmemes

[4] Facebook – Big Nibba Memes

[5] Shitpostbot 5000 – big nigga

[6] Reddit – /r/MemeEconomy

[7] GoFundMe – Corey Struggs Cancer Battle via Way Back Machine

[8] Reddit – Big nigga has the big cancer

[9] Reddit – Support Corey Struggs

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