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Ask The Google is generally used to troll someone who claims that they have a higher English language skill than they may have.



On the 5th of November 2016 a Japanese Youtuber PDR-san created a video analyzing the English ability of another youtube channel "Charisma Brothers". The Charisma Brothers claimed to be fluent in English however PDR-san showed that they were not as fluent as they claimed to be. The video reached over 1.2million views in a week and there was a quick backlash from fans of the Charisma Brothers.

During the video shows the Charisma Brothers saying the phrase "Let me ask the Google" not realizing that Google does not need to be prefixed with the. PDR-san ends the video with the phrase "If you don't know what that means ask… The Google" making a parody of the Charisma Brothers.

In a follow up video due to the fan uproar PDR-san apologies for the previous video and ends with a parody of Keep Calm and ask Google by replacing it with "Keep Calm and ask The Google". This follow up video had also reached over 900K views in less than a week.

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