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Part of a series on Advice Animals. [View Related Entries]



Angry Advice Mallard is an advice animal image macro of a mallard with dark feathers and angry-looking eyes. The image includes accompanying text that alines with the angry character of the mallard.


On November 9th, 2013, Redditor gerwer posted the image macro to /r/adviceanimals[1] with text that reads "Don't bring your infants to movies" (show below). The image gained 2,200 points (91% upvoted) in six years.


Actual Advice Mallard is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of a male wild duck accompanied by captions containing life hacks and other useful information (shown below).


On March 7th, 2014 another image was posted to /r/adviceanimals[2] that read "If you don't understand how traffic circles work / Don't fucking drive" (shown below, left). On December 17th, 2017 Redditor 42words posted another example to /r/radviceanimals[3] that received 22 points (69% upvoted) in two years (shown below, right).

On December 16th, 2018, Redditor Baker10923 posted wedding guest advice using the duck image on /r/adviceanimals. [4] The image gained 38,100 points (76% upvoted) in a year (shown below, left). On December 31st, Redditor Albinovagina posted[5] an image against drunk driving which gained 60,800 points (98% upvoted) (shown below, right).

Various Examples

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External References

[1] Reddit – gerwer

[2] Reddit – deleted user

[3] Reddit – 42words

[4] Reddit – baker10923

[5] Reddit – u/Albinovagina

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