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Airport Security vs. Water refer to jokes mocking restrictions that prohibit passengers from bringing bottles of water through security checkpoints at the airport.



In 2006, the directive that prohibited bottles of water was put in place by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). TSA agents and passengers are expected to follow the “3-1-1” rule for liquids. Those boarding planes can carry 3.4 ounces of liquid per container in a 1-quart bag, with one bag per passenger. [1]

On February 2nd, 2019, Redditor MrFlapJakxs[5] posted an image to /r/dankmemes. The post gained 77,700 points (93% upvoted) in two days (shown below).


The same day, MrFlapJakxs[2] posted another image to /r/dankmemes stating that they are trying to get a meme started. The post gained 18,600 points (95% Upvoted) in two days (shown below).

On February 3rd, people began posting airport security vs. water memes on various subreddits. Redditor Poppy38 posted an outstanding move meme to /r/meirl. [3] The post gained 4,800 points in a day (shown below, left). On February 4th, Redditor DustineTetris posted to /r/animemes [4] and gained 4,600 points (99% upvoted) in a few hours (shown below, right).

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External References

[1] Mental Floss – TSA Liquids Rule

[2] Reddit – MrFlapJakxs

[3] Reddit – Poppy38

[4] Reddit – DustineTetris

[5] Reddit – MrFlapJakxs

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