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"A Fucking Leaf" is a slang expression used on 4chan when referring to commenters residing in Canada to mock the country's maple leaf flag.


On the 4chan boards /pol/ and /int/, a country's flag associated with the approximate location of the poster is prominently displayed above their post next to the title. Sometime in mid-2015, 4chan users began mocking the maple leaf symbol on the Canadian flag, referring to it as "a fucking leaf." The earliest archived post using the expression was submitted to /pol/ on August 5th, 2015 (shown below).[1]


On August 31st, 2015, FunnyJunk[2] user actualsingaporean uploaded a Polandball comic in which a Canadaball chooses "a fucking leaf" for their flag (shown below).

On August 27th, 2016, a post[3] titled "Canadian Unite: Sick and Tired of the Damn Leaf comments," was posted on /pol/, which complained about 4chan users writing "Hurr a fucking leaf" when replying to Canadians (shown below).

On October 23rd, 2016, YouTuber Teezy uploaded footage of a man stabbing while yelling "fuck you leaf!" (shown below, left). On December 2nd, YouTuber Chuck Chucker uploaded a Look at This Dude remix titled "A Fucking Leaf," featuring various pictures of the Canadian flag and maple leafs (shown below, right).

On January 16th, 2017, a post mocking the Canadian flag as "the fucking leaf" was posted on 4chan (shown below).

On April 6th, 2017, YouTuber John B posted a video of Gordon Hurd laughing about the Canadian flag while calling it "a fucking leaf" (shown below).

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External References

[1] 4plebs – earliest 4chan thread

[2] FunnyJunk – A fucking leaf

[3] 4plebs – Canadian united

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