24yo Femanon
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24yo Femanon refers to a genre of greentext stories written from a standpoint of a 24-year old female 4chan user attempting to find a boyfriend, referred to as "possiblebf.jpg". The stories usually conclude in a humorously embarrassing way for the protagonist.
On September 17th, 2016, an anonymous 4chan[1] user made a greentext story post on /b/ board describing themselves as a 24-year-old female (femanon) posting after a failed date with a boyfriend and asking for help. On September 8th, 2017, an anonymous 4chan[2] user made another /b/ post from a standpoint of a 24-year-old female describing an unsatisfactory date.
>be me
>24yo femanon
>invite guy over from Tinder
>he's super cute
Starting September 2017, multiple posts exploiting the copypasta appeared on /b/ board,[3][4][5] with multiple examples later being reposted to /r/4chan[6] and /r/greentext[7] subreddits. In the large portion of the posts utilizing the format, the protagonist of the story would find herself in an embarassing, degrading or humorous situation after an encounter with a male they deem a potential partner. The two earliest threads copying the format, posted by anonymous /b/ user(s) on September 22nd[8] and 23rd[9], 2017, are shown below.
Various Examples
Search Interest
External References
[1] 4chan – /b/ Thread #704309709
[2] 4chan – /b/ Thread #744585777
[3] 4chan – /b/ Thread #747005893
[4] 4chan – /b/ Thread #750306897
[5] 4chan – /b/ Thread #750195751
[6] Reddit – Femanon almost finds true love
[7] Reddit – Femanon meets guy on tinder.
[8] 4chan – /b/ Thread #745935318
[9] 4chan – /b/ Thread #746036001
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