white papers
Visual Analysis: Worldwide Cybercrime Complaints and Laws

From the News International's epic phone hacking scandal to the relentless exploits of post-Lulzsec hacking groups, hacking stories are everywhere in the news media. …So where's the international cyberpolice already? Since November 2001, 46 national governments have been working together to set the rules in dealing with computer-aided crimes under the first international internet crime treaty known as "Convention on Cybercrime":
Wikipedia.org – "Convention on Cybercrimes"
CybercrimeLaw.net – China
CybercrimeLaw.net – Canada
CyberlawDB.com – Malaysia
CybercrimeLaw.net – Spain
CybercrimeLaw.net – Australia
Enigmasoftware.com – Top 20 Countries Found to Have the Most Cybercrime
IC3.gov – 2010 Internet Crime Report
WITSA.org – Cyber Crime…and Punishment?