Cast Your Vote For March 2021's Meme Of The Month!
Less goooo, memers. From the so-bad-its-amazing jam Chug Jug With You to the maddening influx of ironic DaBaby memes, March was a pretty poggers month for memes. Show us what you were an average enjoyer of in March and cast your vote below! Voting ends on Sunday, April 4th at 11 p.m. EST.
The Meme of the Month is a poll commissioned by the Know Your Meme research staff at the end of each month to commemorate the single most notable meme that is on the rise, as determined by your vote and our community. For the past winners, please visit our archives.
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DaBaby memes IMO
I went with Chug Jug With You because together with Tomato Town Massacre it was all over the place.
Busty aunt cass being an option is odd, mostly because I'm pretty sure it's edited and stuff
eh, chug jug is fun but I'd give it to average fan vs Enjoyer since it harkens more to the Virgin vs. Chad format but is more similar to its roots of being the "The normal thing and the Comedic Over-exaggeration "
I like cat memes. Hope the kitten wins.
Suez or average fan. I'd say average fan seems to have more staying power, if a bit derivative.
Average fad of the week fan vs Average timeless exploitable enjoyer
Autumn Able
Gotta be the Suez. Literally a world event.
These options are honestly much better than february's poll. By a wide margin, easily.
Autumn Able
Just glad people finally got tired of Among Us/Amogus memes.
When mod is sus.
Sans Undertale
Speaking of which, I am still bewildered as to why a major fraction of the memes from last month's polls were just variants of "Among Us" memes.
Very disappointed. I thought $19 Fortnite card was this month. I been blocked.
Definitely the Sues Canal jam. Nothing else had as big of an impact.